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Shasha & Milo

Unexpected adventures begin for our not so ordinary duo, Shasha and Milo!

Target Age


Adventure / Comedy

6-9 years old

HD Full 3D CGI TV series

25 x 22', Shorts: 12 x 2'


©Pingo Entertainment. Unauthorized copying and redistribution prohibited

Shasha the cat and Milo the boy tumble into each other’s lives and try to balance being not so ordinary middle-schoolers with their heroic shapeshifting destiny: protecting their Crescent Island home from an ultra-villainous cat, Luca, and his hilarious plots to gain ultimate power. Gigantic cat-obsessed robots, bizarre body swaps with pets and unlocking secrets of a lost magical cat empire are all part of a regular day for our heroes in training. But their biggest challenge will be discovering the truth about who they really are.

©Pingo Entertainment. Unauthorized copying and redistribution prohibited

© Pingo Entertainment. All rights reserved.

©Pingo Entertainment. Unauthorized copying and redistribution prohibited

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